Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Math Mates

So yesterday we got the representative from Math Mates to come in an talk about the use of math mates. In attendance - Regina, Heidi, Greg, John, and Jenn. The discussion lead to only consider the Mauve (or purple) books. This was for two reasons 1) Simplicity of order, sharing experiences, and it's our first year and KISS is a good motto, 2) after reviewing the higher level books it seems more like teachers would spend more time teaching the topics of the questions which would take from our curriculum. About 800 purple books were ordered for the 9th and 10th grade teachers. There was a comment about new students registering after the holiday weekend and we might need to order more.

The current suggestion for use is each student will get a page for the week (preferably kept in the classroom) and with 33 problems the student will try to complete 5 to 7 problems per day as a daily warm-up. Please address questions and comments you might have.


Stewart said...

How is everyone managing storing the books, the pages not in use, tearing out the pages, the pages that are in use and grading. I will have my student assistant tear out the first few pages of every book and I guess store them in the closet. I would really like a folder for each student in my class to keep not only the sheets they are working on, but also the completed sheets. (It helps for parent teacher conferences if they students pull their folders and you have something to talk about with parents) I am slightly hesitant about the prospect of buying 100+ folders and the delay for some of my classes to tranisiton from getting thier sheets to sitting down to work on them and vice versa. And what about the student who figures out that we can't really make them do the sheets. Any suggestions on making it meaningful other than a check mark. A team, grade, whole school competition maybe?

Heidi B said...

I have been using the Maths Mates since the 30th of August and so far they are helping most of the students focus. They know that once they have their sheet that they are supposed to be doing the work. I have told my students that I will be 'spot' grading these. I told them that they will not know when I will be grading them, but that I will grade them.

I have found that it is easier for me to hand out their sheets at the begining of class then to have them try to locate their own sheet. I will be trying that next week, and will post on how that works.

Also, as students finish a sheet they let me know and I get them a new one. So far this seems to be working out pretty good.

I don't really have an opinion on weather we should have a competition or not. I'm up for it if anyone else wants to do it though.