Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dept update

Alright Math Gurus, here's the skinny.

We have a MATH DEPT laptop cart with LCD, printer and wireless access point. Please contact me if you'd like to use it - maybe a wiki or something later.

According to the curriculum guides on starnet, we are all supposed to be testing on Wednesday 9/12. At the department meeting it was decided to push it back to Friday 9/14. No discussion was made about grading, or when copies would be made available to teachers for their classes.

9th and 10th grade teachers, you should be using the "math mates" worksheets in class. If you have questions see me. If you have extra or need more go to SW200 closet.

If you still need calculators - Tom Deaguero is keeping track of those, please see him in W202 to check some out. I believe he's got the graphing calculator and only the CSAP calculators are otherwise available in Regina's room SW207.

If you have textbooks I still need each number from you and your calculator count, please.

There was dicussion about the Pre-calc books, and ordering more. If you're teaching this class, or might be (Anatoly, Heidi, & Tom), can I get an estimate of how many we need to order? Also, the geometry books look pretty bad also; however, there's a closet full of them.

Mr. Paxton went to bat at the last board meeting and got our copy budget back, so we'll up the reimbusements on supplies to $200.

Don't forget to participate in the blog

and the wiki

1 comment:

Mr. Tomas said...

thanks for the update, i'll be back monday