Sunday, August 19, 2007


Most of us will be looking at revised curriculum tomorrow morning. Please let this be a forum for input and collaboration so that we can make this better. Please review the curriculum and assessments and let me know if something doesn't seem to work. Jen S. and I can at least explain some of the factors that contributed to our thinking, but the more discussions the better. Please keep the assessments secure and try to follow the pacing as best as you can.
For the principles class, I have some suggestions for resources, but some of the veteran teachers probably have many more. Let's share these ideas and ask for what we want. There may be an opportunity to get resources through the director of curriculum if we can agree on what we want. Please stop by this week to check out my copies and post your comments here.
For Algebra, there will probably be a revised curriculum within a week or two with mostly formatting changes. Same with Geometry. Keep in mind that the Geometry curriculum as written assumes the revised algebra curriculum as precurser which is not necessarily the case. My guess is that the students may need more review/reteaching of prior geometry concepts and skills, so feel out your students with pre-assessments and communicate with everyone else as much as possible to make sure we all stay on the same page. Thanks in advance for the communication and happy planning.

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