Saturday, October 6, 2007


presented by Jim Hogan, Aurora PS, Melissa Colsman, Cherry Creek PS, and Rachael Coulehan, Aurora PS
CoMMIT stands for Colorado Metro Math Intervention Team (or something very similar). Glenn Bruckhart is participating as well as many other concerned about math and math interventions.
Most of the presentation was around RtI as outlined by CDE.
Most schools have issues with students struggling with Math. This is an informal group that is meeting to discuss the issue and start to collaborate around why this is an issue and what can be done about it. The first thing that was identified was to develop common vocabulary around RtI, general and special education, and math program since the group includes such broad spectrum of participants. Currently, this group is still forming, gaining common vocab and identifying what the questions are. Most interventions discussed at the presentation were not possible due to other factors such as limited district resources, cumbersome such as involving so much paperwork, and unrealistic such as pulling students when there is no time to pull them. Even though there is a lot of ground to cover, it was exciting that this group is working on math interventions with no other political or hidden agendas--everyone just wants to help get students be successful at math.
The next CoMMIT meeting is on Dec 4th from 8am -11am in Littleton and Math on the Planes is scheduled for February 29th and March 1st with CCLD, Coordinated Campaign for Learning Disabilities. For information about these upcoming events contact Rachael Risley at

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